Borderlands: Mad Moxxis
Underdome Riot (PC)
| PC GAME | 590 MB
Publisher: 2K Games | Developer: Gearbox Software
| Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person
Moxxi’s Underdome Riot is an intense single-player or cooperative
experience for Borderlands that expands the mayhem by adding three new
Riot Mode arenas where players will endure an onslaught of Pandora’s
baddest enemies.
Working together, players will fend off the
masses as they fight for fame, honor, and more importantly, loot. Mad
Moxxi’s Underdome Riot also adds a new bank feature, which allows
players extra storage capacity for when they encounter one of the more
than 16 million weapons that Borderlands has to offer; and the ability
to acquire two additional skill points as quest rewards, making their
characters even more powerful than before.
Featuring extensive
co-op integration that seamlessly blends the single-player and
multiplayer experiences, Borderlands allows players to freely join or
leave each other’s games at any time for collaborative mayhem or the
freedom to choose to play in full single-player mode to experience the
world on their own. Borderlands also includes a groundbreaking weapon
generation system that offers a near infinite variety of weapons to the